Monday, August 12, 2013


I'm a big fan of Disney, especially, the princesses. My top four favorite are Mulan, Ariel, Pocahontas, and Repunzel and I feel like I need to explain why.

Each princess has a particular quality I admire. 

Mulan: Bravery
Not only does she pretend to be a man to fight for her father, but she also takes on huge risks to find herself as a human being. 

Ariel: Curiosity 
To be knowledgable we must first be curious, and that's exactly what Ariel is. She is eager to learn and know more about the new world. She may have made a dumb mistake, but that mistake allowed her to discover new things. 

Pocahontas: Adventurous 
Pocahontas is smart and always up for adventure. She enjoys nature and everything it has to offer. She is risk taking, especially with her love affair with John Smith. 

Repunzel: Hard-Working
All her life she has lived in a tower with an evil lady whom forced her to work her butt off. Repunzel has to clean, cook, and provide for herself. Once she leaves the castle she does all that she can to save not only herself but her new hottie Flynn. 

So there you have it. Sorry that I'm not much a fan of the lucky Cinderella, naive Snow White, or helpless Sleeping Beauty. We all have our own opinions though.

For a long time Pocahontas wasn't on the list, but after watching the movie last week I changed my mind. 
Pocahontas was forced to accept change, and not only does she accept the change - she embraces it. She finds love and acceptance from it. All of which are things I am hoping to do while I experience the huge change of COLLEGE. I just want to belong, while soaking up all the knowledge I can. I want to take on every opportunity and then maybe over time I will be able "to paint with all the colors of the wind".

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