Sunday, August 25, 2013

My life without AC

I live in a dorm with zero air conditioning.
Please, take a second and imagine that. It's almost 90 degrees. Everything is sticky. 

Literally, everything is sticky. After I get done typing this, I will slowly peel my arms from this sticky desk and then keep living my life while trying not to touch myself because my entire body is sticky too. 

However, there are stickier things than CHall room 5101. For example, all of the sticky situations of this world. Like eating asparagus: do you want the pleasure of eating it so badly that you'll let everyone smell your pee tomorrow morning in the community bathroom? Or maybe your professor said something really hilarious and you want to laugh but no one else is laughing.. do you start the laugh hoping others join in or sit back and find a different way to brown nose? We all have our fair share of them, but what happens when the decision can't be made. College is a whole new world (que Jasmine and Aladdin) and my mom isn't here to help me. Which I am extremely sad about, but then again glad that I'm being forced to do things for myself. 

Seriously, what happens now? These sticky situations surround me. They surround all of us. We all wish for an easy way out; someone to tell us what to do, how to live, and which Frat house to party at. This free life is eating me alive

The real answer to the sticky situation is to do what will make you happy. Sometimes- only sometimes- we human beings have the right to be selfish. If we weren't selfish: how would we love, live, or learn? Today, make a decision. Choose happiness. Get out of your sticky room. Embrace the unairconditioned life; it's making you do things for you. 

Olivia Leyette

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