Monday, August 5, 2013


I got my wisdom teeth cut out of my mouth on Tuesday, and since that day I have done nothing.

When people are forced to lie around their house they might watch TV, spend time on social media, or finish off a whole gallon of ice cream. I was able to do all of the above in six days. 
This morning I actually spent time on Facebook, and I went all the way back to view statuses I posted in 2007. One of the statuses I posted in 2010 was "take me to a place where love is like breathing" and I thought that one was pretty good. 

In 2010, I didn't know that my future would be full of love and friendship. In 2010, I didn't even know MASC (Missouri Association of Student Councils) was a thing. In 2011, I went to MASC camp for the first time and found friendships that lasted. I found true friends that would love me for who I am. In 2012, I became a JC (junior counselor) at camp and started in on my senior year. I became a part of a program called Earth's Classroom that allowed me to discover the beauty of nature. Finally in 2013, I graduated with a class full of people that I wanted to escape and became the head JC at camp. All of these experiences have led me to a place where love is like breathing, but that place is not camp, the outdoors, school, or even my house. That place is everywhere. 

Everywhere you go there is love and beauty. You just have to find it. You can't sit back on your couch watching HGTV and expect life to hit you in the face. You have to get out. Meet people. Discover the new. This world is where you belong. Love and appreciate what you have including the people around you, and I promise one day you'll be able to love like breathing. 

So thank you, Facebook, for allowing me to reflect on my past and be grateful for this world I belong in. 

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