Monday, January 13, 2014

Long Time Gone

If you were really smart, you'd know that the title of this blog is the title of a song. 
And if you were even smarter, you'd know that the song was sung by the Dixie Chicks. 
Personally one of my ultimate favs. 

I haven't blogged in an extremely long time, and I can't decide if that's me trying to make it interesting or just being lazy. Either way, I've been a long time gone. 

It's a brand new year. BRAND NEW. We are pretty lucky that some things magically become new in our lives - (years, weeks, days). It doesn't even take effort. You can sit on your butt and experience something new without even trying. That's the beauty of time. But for 2014, I'm not planning on sitting on my butt (well, like, not all the time). Here's my short list of plans for 2014:

1. I'm going to get the heck out of my Spanish class because I thought I could skip Spanish I and take Spanish II, but that was a joke. I was the girl in class who had to ask what the professor was saying. 

2. I'm going to become less "white girl". I really need to stay away from the Ugg boots. They make me feel like I'm wearing potatoes as shoes. 

3. I'm going to have a kick butt job over the summer. Whether it's working for a cruise line or in a national park, I want to do something awesome. 

4. I'm going to appreciate where I am. I spent a long time hating Truman State University. I didn't think it was the school for me, but now things seem to be coming together. I think this is where I belong. 

5. Finally, I'm going to be myself. This doesn't seem like a hard thing to do, but it is because I don't even know who I am.
I think one of the phrases I used often over winter break, especially New Years, was "I don't need no man". AND IT IS SO TRUE. I spent so much of my high school life dating boys and never getting time just to discover who I was and who I wanted to be. So, now it's time. Brand new year, and not a brand new boy.  

I just want to live to feel alive. That's the ultimate goal - feeling like you're meant to be on this Earth. 

I hope your year is full of great things that get you off your butt. Get groovy my people - it's 2014. 

And as the Dixie Chicks would say, "I caught wind and hit the road runnin'"

Catch some wind and hit the road to a glorious fabulous life. 


Olivia Leyette

- you thought I was gonna say gossip girl