Monday, October 14, 2013


Here's something new: I'm appendix-less!

For those of you who don't know this feeling, I'm sorry.
Over my midterm break (thank you to whoever caused my appendicitis while I didn't have classes) I had an appendectomy and spent too many hours thinking I would not be able to continue on without such a useless organ. I thought I would come back to school and be helpless, but here I am doing just fine. My friends made me cookies, I got "Get Well Soon" cards, and when everyone asks how I am doing I proudly show my scars and tell them I'm gonna be okay.

The crazy thing is that no one really NEEDS their appendix. It's just a pointless organ in the human body. People literally depend on it for nothing, so what's the big deal? Sometimes I like to joke and say I feel so lost without my appendix but in reality I'm one step closer to the best me that I can be. I'm literally getting rid of the unnecessary things in my life; and the more I get rid of the more room I have for the necessities.

love, love, love.

 - Liv